Wednesday 19 September 2012


I am conscious that I haven't got round to posting pics of my trip to France earlier this year.  For some reason or other, I seem to have been too busy with my present life to find time to catch up on old doings.  But I'll try to tell you a little about what we did.

My two very close friends of many years standing (and sitting for that matter) kindly offered, at a time when I didn't expect even to be walking, to take us to France in their car.  I was in fact by then quite mobile, although more nervous than I am now about vigorous activity.  Still, we did walk a bit and I made sure I had my daily constitutional to try to build muscles up again.  It was all rather special, if now seemingly such a long time ago.  I am planning to offer to drive them next year (if not mad, at least to somewhere as lovely and enjoyable as this).

My friends had done everything - booked ferry, booked hotel, prepared itineraries, etc.  It was truly wonderful!  All we had to do was lie back and not think too much of England.

This was the delightful hotel we stayed in in Honfleur.

That's me in the garden, taking a quiet moment before dins to read a book.  And here are my friends exploring a backstreet off the old harbour.


And this is a scenic view of the old harbour.

It's lovely isn't it.  I just couldn't stop taking photographs of it.

This is the east side.

And this is the west side, where all the portside restaurants are.  It didn't matter that most of them sold the same food (moules, etc); the setting was just delightful and it was the place to sit and sip a glass of something and watch the sun go down.

This is a sail - technically known, as all nautically-minded folks will tell you, as the little triangular one at the pointy end of the fishing boat.


  1. Looks like a beautiful little place. Love the photo of the 'east side', the reflection of the buildings in the water are wonderful. Any of those restaurants would be fine by me!!

  2. Sorry to be contrary Mitch - I prefer the picture of the West Side. I would say that I love it's 'cramped verticality'... but you'd think I was being pretentious ;-)
