Wednesday 9 January 2013


So all the news today is about David Bowie releasing a single from his forthcoming album.  OK, he hasn't released a new song for 10 years, and some stuff about the EU took the headlines, but interesting how a pop star making a record should occupy so many pages in the quality newspapers.

I was listening to the Today programme on Radio 4 at 7am yesterday when they announced the Bowie song in their news round-up.  The song was only released at 5am, so Today, the premier radio news programme, unusually had something of a pop scoop.  And I heard it!  That's pretty early on too, eh.  And here it is, in case you haven't heard it yet.

I wasn't sure about it when I first heard it.  I like Bowie's rhythms and backing music, as much as his words and of course his voice, and i thought this song too slow and lyrical.   But, after a few hearings, I really like it - very much of his Berlin period, which I loved.  You can even hear some Heroes chords in there.

I can't find them online to quote them accurately for you, but I was very surprised to hear senior executives and politicos interviewed on Today about the single and listening to them describing it in terms more commonly used in the opera house or National Gallery.  Well, shows how important it/he is I suppose.

I met him once.  I had the sort of list of questions we all have ready when we bump into famous people -  'how did your love affair with Japan blossom after starring in Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence?', 'Do you wait for inspiration to come or do you have to sit and work at your art?', 'Any chance of you lending me a million quid or so?', that sort of thing.  But I just stared, while he quizzed me, and hardly managed to get a couple of words out.  Pathetic.  But, wow, what a presence!  I have the new album on my wish list already.


  1. Just a wee bit bizarre but somehow soothing and it has good questions for our generation.

  2. Yes, I noticed the large amount of media coverage his new song was receiving. I guess it's mainly because it was generally thought that he'd quietly retired from music (unlike his rather well-publicised 'retirements' of the past). I liked the new song immediately on first listening.

  3. And I still havn't heard it, seems it has been removed from YouTube. I must say this fact even got my youngest son moved into a Facebook comment. He isn't such a blogger as his mum, but if something is of interest he makes his comment. Funnily he was talking to me about Bowie last week when he made a lightening visit (coincidentally just at tea time), so we were talking over old times.Bowie was never really my thing, but I know my youngest was always keen on him.

    1. Yes, sorry, it has been blocked since I published it. It's always fascinating to me how many 'fans' there are at pop concerts for pop stars of the early Bowie era who weren't born when he started recording. Your youngest clearly has good taste.

  4. "This video contains content from SME, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds." ~ that's what it says when I clicked on the thingummy.

    I did hear it yesterday morning and was mildly interested. I like the odd one of Bowie's songs but not enough to buy any of his albums. Now Bob Dylan is, of course, a totally different matter although I have to say that I haven't worked up enough enthusiasm to buy anything of his for years. Someone did buy me an album a couple of years ago which I quite like though.

    1. Yes, sorry about that, Charlie. I'll try to replace it if an authorised version comes along. It's definitely a Bowie number, nothing like Dylan I'm afraid, but you might still like it for it's melancholy, wistful air.

    2. I will give it a listen Neil ...
